Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Epic Weekend Update

The JackKnife Barbers had an epic adventure this past weekend.  Playing two shows back to back isn't an experience that I'm unfamiliar with, but the excitement of having our first official gigs since moving to Charlotte was rather energizing.

Our first stop was Spindale, NC for a show at The Ultimate Basement with Red Band Mercenaries, Pinko and (Snuff)alufaFUNK.  The Ultimate Basement is sort of an all-ages club/game room with a huge stage and rather massive sound system.  We had a blast exploring Spindale and rocking out with the aforementioned bands.

We even had time to drop by Plaza Barber Shop in Forest City for a photo shoot.  Plaza Barber Shop is a nearly 100-year-old barber shop with vintage chairs and decor.  You can see the photos on our Facebook page.

Our second show for the weekend was the Gorilla Records Battle of the Bands. Facing some fierce competition, we still managed to come out on top and make it to the second round.  I'll keep everyone posted on when the second round will be.

So what's up next for The JackKnife Barbers?

We'll be playing the first round of Peterson Productions' Battle of the Bands on Saturday, January 5th at The Saloon at NC Music Factory.  Tickets are just $5 and can already be purchased via PayPal or your credit/debit card at www.mattstache.com

Beyond that, we'll be working on two brand new original songs for you at our next rehearsal, and even muddling through our first cover song as well.

We'd like to thank all of our fans and friends for making this weekend such a success. We're looking forward to a great new year and further opportunities to rock your ass for fun and profit.

1 comment:

Vanlewen said...

"Rock your ass for fun and profit." It's "Silex asinus tuus, pro fun et lucro" in latin, according to Google. (: That was an awesome show. I look forward to my next opportunity to see you guys play in Charlotte.